Advertise with BCASW - Job Postings & Continuing Professional Development Opportunities

All advertising is subject to the BCASW’s approval. BCASW does not endorse the products or services in paid advertising and reserves the right to refuse advertisements, inserts, and announcements that the Association determines are demeaning, inaccurate, irrelevant, or misleading with respect to social work practice and/or social work, or that reflects views that are contrary to BCASW policy. BCASW is not liable for any alleged loss or damages if an advertisement is omitted for any reason. The BCASW reserves the right to position ads at its discretion, although the advertiser’s preference will be met whenever possible. The BCASW is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement appearing in its publications, electronic communications and/or website. Rates quoted are for Canada only. International enquiries may differ. The placement of an advertisement order constitutes an acceptance of all the rates and conditions under which advertising is sold at that time.

Registered social workers in BC are required to complete 40 hours of continuing professional development each year in order to maintain registration with the BC College of Social Workers. If you have exciting opportunities, let our members know - contact the office for cost and details at - 

Advertise in our newsmagazine Perspectives - published three times a year by a dedicated editorial committee, this publication is read by social workers and related professionals across Canada. Multiple advertising options can be found here. Costs vary according to ad size or insert.

Job vacancies are posted to our site for 30 days at a cost of $210.00 +GST. Our Jobs Board is viewed widely by employers and social workers provincially and further afield. To submit a vacant position, please complete the online job submission form below. Upon approval, we will post the ad, email to let you know it has been posted (including a link to the ad), and send an invoice. See the BCASW Jobs Board here. 


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